ABC's of K-1

The ABC’s of The Looping Classrooms

A- Art This year kindergarten students will be getting to go to art class with Mrs. Hoff once each 6 day cycle. You might want to consider putting your child in older clothes that day!

B- Birthdays Your child is welcome to bring in birthday treats on or around his/her birthday. If they have a summer birthday, we try to do those around their 1/2 birthday time. School policy states that birthday invitations may not be passed out at school.  We try to provide a class directory so that you can contact friends for parties.

C- Calendar We will be sending home a monthly calendar that helps you to see up coming events in school or our classroom. If you like it can stay in the back pocket of the purple folder for your easy access!  Conferences:  Hopefully you signed up for a conference time slot at our open house night. If you didn’t, please contact the office to get a time. Although we will meet with everyone then, if you have a question or concern, please call or let us know when you could come in! Our door is always open.

 D- Dismissal  Please send a note if there are to be changes to the plan or the best way is to contact the office with the change.  Please do not e-mail changes, there are times when e-mail is down or time does not allow us to check e-mail before dismissal. 

E- Envelope Please send lunch money in an envelope marked with your child’s first and last name. Also, remind them to give them to us!     Email Please feel free to email us if you have questions or concerns.  Our email addresses,, , or  Please make sure to update us if your e-mail should change.  We use this form of communication frequently and want to be able to keep you informed.  J

F- Folders Each student has a folder with the sides labeled for papers to keep at home and those that need to be returned. Please check your child's folder daily for things that might need to be returned or wonderful work from their day.

G- Good Behavior We are working very hard on the rules and what we need to do to help us be able to learn best. Please be patient with your child as they learn the rules. If you could discuss with them what our rules are and how important it is to follow them, it would really mean a lot to your child to hear it from you.

H- Homework our math series has a set of home links that are designed to give parents ideas of activities to do with your child to support their math instruction.

I- Independence Your child is learning to do more and more on his/her own. Please encourage this independence, especially in shoe tying, zippers, snaps, and cold weather dressing.

J- Jargon  Now that your child is in school full time, you will hear pleanty of school "jargon".  Some examples of these are Warrior Way Tickets, Day 1, 2, etc., The Thinking Table just to name a few.  Never fear, we try to keep you updated with newsletters and e-mail.  If you do hear something you haven't heard before, don't hesitate to ask!

K- Kids Your child is important to us!  We are eager to become a part of your child's life and look forward to a great school year.  Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or share any concerns--your child's education is truly a team effort!

L- Library  Students will have Library once in the 6 Day Cycle.  Please be sure to have books returned on that day so that your child can check out some new ones. Be sure to take good care of the books.  If you do happen to lose one, please contact Dyann Vilez or De Gillette and they can let you know the replacement cost.

M- Music Ms. Brown is the new music teacher at Oviatt this year.  Your child will have Music twice in the 6 Day Cycle.

N- Newsletter we try to get a newsletter sent home each Friday, so that you can get a taste of our week. We know that the standard answer to “What did you do today?” is usually “Nothing!” Hopefully this will help! We would like to email this newsletter to everyone if at all possible, so keep us posted if your e-mail address changes

O- Orders We will send home book orders each month or so. Remember that they are completely optional. Please return the completed order along with a check made out to Scholastic in an envelope with your child's name on it by the date given. We can not accept cash for these.

P- PE Your child will have PE twice in the 6 Day Cycle with Mr. Stoulil.  He or she will need to have tennis shoes on those days. If you'd like, we can store an extra pair of shoes here in case there is a day they forget.     Principals  Oviatt has 2 principals, Dr. Laura Sivadge, Pre-School through Kindergarten, and Mr. Rodney Martinez, First Grade through Second.  Please feel free to contact them through the office if you have any questions they may be able to help you out with.

Q- Questions The school number is 981-1005. Our extensions are: Brincks 1024   Gehringer 1021  McLaughlin 1022  Squiers 1027.

R- Reading It is important that your child see you read and also be read to.  Studies show that the more they read and are read to, the better they will do in reading and most other areas of school.     Recess We have opportunities to go outside for recess in the morning and after lunch. The weather can change dramatically between these times, so please be sure to dress your child in layers to adjust for the temperature changes!

S- Snack We have snack in the afternoon each day. We have provided snack for the first few days.  We ask that each month, each child contribute snacks for our classroom. We will keep the snacks in the classroom for our snack time.  We do have access to a small refrigerator, so if you would like to send in refrigerated items like a string cheese, that is a possibility. Please send enough for 20 students. We will send home a snack coupon whenever our snack cupboard gets low. 

T- Technology Your child will have technology once in the 6 Day Cycle with Mrs. Vilez. 

U- Unusual Weather Fog and snow days will sometimes delay or cancel school. Be sure to listen to the radio or watch the tv to see if there is a delay or cancellation.

V- VanderHolt--Mrs. VanderHolt that is, otherwise known as our amazing school nurse!  We are so lucky to have a super school nurse who is available for your child throughout the day.  If you have medication that needs to be administered during the day, please contact her at extension 1004.     Volunteers  We always need people to volunteer in our classrooms working with children or making materials.  Please contact your child's teacher if you have time you would be able to share with us. 

W- Website We have a classroom website that has items that might be of interest to you and your student. The address is:  We will continue to add materials to this website throughout the year.

X- Extra Clothes! Accidents do happen so we would appreciate a change of clothing (underwear, pants, socks, and a shirt) to be kept in your child’s backpack for those times.

Y- Yes, they can do it by themselves. Keep up the encouragement and recognize their successes!

Z- Zipping It won’t be all that long until our cooler weather means coats, snow pants and boots. It is most important that they are dressed for the weather and that they can get dressed by themselves. Recesses aren’t all that long, so we don’t want them to miss it because they are struggling to get ready!